Friday, May 15, 2009

We are looking forward to our first summer in California. We have a few trips planned and can't wait to see some of our family from GA too. There is so much to do here. We have some day trips planned. We can actually go the beach for the day! What a treat. We can also go to the mountains and play at the lake just for the day. Most of our time will be spent relaxing in our own backyard. The boys love the pool. Parker is a real fish. Brady has no fear in the water. He will be taking infant swim/rescue classes real soon. He will learn to float on his back and flip on to his tummy and paddle to the side. Unbelievable! We are expecting the weather to get hot starting this week-end. Our first 100+ week-end. The valley is dry with afternoon wind. The heat is much different from the south.

Please come see us anytime. No invitation needed.